Bumpdate | The Second Trimester

If you’re catching up on pregnancy posts, check out my Pregnancy Announcement, 1st Trimester, and Baby Shower posts.

Easter Sunday, 22 weeks

I can’t believe I’m already 28 weeks and officially in the 3rd trimester! What?! This pregnancy is flying by so far (which is definitely NOT something I expected. Before I got pregnant I literally couldn’t fathom how someone could be pregnant for 9 months and not go insane haha). Hope y’all enjoy this little recap : )

How did you feel in the second trimester?

Overall, I felt pretty good! My energy came back around week 15 and I was able to get a lot done in preparation for busy wedding season and baby! A lot of the time I felt completely “normal” and I am feeling super lucky/thankful that I’ve had a pretty smooth pregnancy so far! That being said, I think people build up the 2nd trimester to be this “honeymoon period” – and I wouldn’t go THAT far.. maybe because I felt pretty good in the first trimester or maybe I was just expecting too much from these weeks based on other people’s feedback. The second trimester wasn’t all bliss for me; there were definitely moments of emotion, exhaustion, tears, random aches & pains, leg cramps, and the general feeling of being pregnant. That being said, I am obsessed with her little kicks and loved feeling them getting stronger and more defined this trimester!! Dan even got to feel them too! 🙂

Baby Shower, 23 weeks

Any cravings or food aversions?

I feel like I still didn’t notice a ton of this. I guess if I had to say anything.. I was more into making: tacos and fajitas (you could argue, though, that this is me in my natural state haha). And eating lots of kale, peanut butter and cheese. I really enjoyed cooking this trimester and found it made me feel better than eating out. No aversions (which is good because this celiac & picky eater was already limited to start!).

When did you start to show and feel kicks?

I felt like I was waiting forever to start showing! I finally think I “popped” a little between weeks 20 and 22. And then maybe again in week 26 (thank you, Italian food!). The picture above from Easter was the first time I was able to get a picture where I actually looked pregnant! Yay!! While my changing body has definitely been weird for me to wrap my head around at times, I love having a bump!

I felt my first “flutter” at 13 weeks and that was really the perfect description of it, a flutter like a butterfly in my lower belly. I didn’t really start to feel consistent flutters until ~18 weeks and kicks until ~21 weeks! Dan felt his first kick ~24 weeks and his reaction was so cute 🙂 I love the kicks so much and they have been by far the best part about pregnancy!

Honeymoon in Paris, 25 weeks (Photo by Meredith Jane, edited by me)

How have you changed your workout routine?

I wouldn’t say I changed it a ton, I just exercised super intuitively. I rarely pushed myself too hard and avoided anything that didn’t feel good. When I craved yoga (which was more often than not), I went to yoga. If I wanted to walk instead of run, I walked. If I wanted to lay on the couch all day and not workout, then I didn’t beat myself up over it. What happened to feel the best for me in the 2nd trimester was: yoga, 25-30 minute lifting/gym sessions, and walks after dinner or on a work break. I usually worked out between 3-4 days a week not counting walks and it made me feel SO good and so strong. In yoga, the only thing I really modified in the 2nd trimester was not laying on my stomach (I’d do whatever the class was doing on my hands and knees), skipping any deep twists, and taking savasana on my side. In the gym, I just avoided ab/crunches and worked my core in other, less direct ways. Give me all the lunges and squats! I’m so thankful that I’ve been able to happily exercise throughout my entire pregnancy so far. In my 3rd trimester, I’m hoping to keep up the walking and yoga and add in more swimming!

Do you have a name picked out?

This is easily the most common question I’ve gotten now that we’re “public” with the pregnancy. The answer is YES, we have a name. We’ve actually had this name picked out forever after we somehow discovered we both liked it a couple years ago. Of course, once it came time to ACTUALLY pick a name, we went through our little doubts and toyed with some other options but always kept quickly coming back to this one. If you read my Baby Shower recap you might have noticed I snuck it in there. Her name is Madison Alicia (pronounced Ah-Lish-Ah after my grandmother).

Honeymoon in Positano, 26 weeks (Photo by Quattro Studio)

What progress have you made on the nursery?

The nursery is basically done! Dresser set up, decor on the walls, clothes washed and folded, curtains hung, and glider looking cozy and ready for snuggles. Everything else is ready to be tucked away in the beautiful closet that Dan made for me.. he’s just finishing painting it! (he’s a saint with the number of Pinterest projects I throw at him). All we’re waiting on is the crib (we’ll get that when/if my nephew, Jack, decides to outgrow it this summer). My goal was to have the nursery basically finished before the honeymoon/busy season and I’m definitely glad we accomplished that because I won’t have much free time in my 3rd trimester! I can’t wait to share final pictures later this month! 🙂

What are your second trimester “must haves”?

Lou & Grey Sweatpants – you’re welcome.

Lululemon Align Yoga Pant (why did I wait so long to buy these?)

Leith Ruched Body-Con Tank Dress

Target Long Sleeve Open Cardigan Sweater

Ingrid & Isabel Scoop Neck Tank

Ingrid & Isabel Crew Neck T-Shirt

Note: Most of these aren’t ACTUALLY maternity clothes… so if you’re not pregnant I recommend these too : )

A good chiropractor – if you’re local to Boston, I highly recommend Sara of Khalsa Chiropractic (Back Bay). I went every other week in my 2nd trimester and plan to continue this schedule the rest of pregnancy.

Prenatal massage – if you’re local to Boston/north of Boston, I highly recommend Samantha in Woburn, MA. I went once a month in my 2nd trimester but might increase to every other week in the 3rd trimester as my wedding season picks up.

And apparently some good taco/fajita seasoning! We love Penzey’s spices 🙂


filed under

June 3, 2019



  1. You look beautiful! I am glad that you have felt good through this pregnancy and have been able to be active. I was so bummed that I was not able to stay active during the pregnancy since my RA was so God-awful. 🙁 Way to go on getting the nursery all ready before your honeymoon/busy season! I bet it makes it feel more real! We never did do a nursery as we were hoping to find a different house shortly after Paul was born. Here we are – 15 months later – and we still haven’t found a house. I’m not very into decorating or pinterest projects, though, so it’s not the biggest deal to not have a nursery but I do feel a little bit sad when I see others’ gorgeous nurseries! 
    On your podcast last week, you mentioned comments people make about how you are carrying and I just wanted to say that I totally relate. I carried very small and measured small. It was never a concern for my OB as I was always in the healthy range. I went on to have a very average sized 7# 5oz baby. It was nice to not get so huge but the comments from people about how small I was started to wear on me after awhile. I guess it’s an early lesson in how much you will need to block out what others say and trust that everything in fine! Paul is a small kid, so now we get comments about how tiny he is but he’s stayed on his growth curve and his pediatrician is happy with his growth. I’m still working on blocking out comments from others, though, so I guess it’s a life-long lesson I’ll have to keep learning! 😉 

    • Caroline says:

      Thanks, Lisa! I definitely think the comments / opinions of others have only just begun haha so I do need to learn to just block them out and keep on plugging on! I’m not measuring small as far as I know and I’m sure soon I’ll be wishing for a smaller bump! haha

  2. Aww, you look great! I am just over 23 weeks and am in a I just look like I ate too many burritos phase.  Which, I probably have.  I also enjoy mexican food all the time, which is also a natural state of things, but when I feel like cooking these days mexican it is.  Bean/cheese burritos tonight, to be exact! We have had tacos a lot as well.  I also have been enjoying cucumber/feta/onion/tomtato salads. Yum.  Our nursery is far from done.  I have the crib set up and I bought a crib sheet.  We are getting our whole house painted and new flooring next month and into August so it’s kind of in limbo until then. I still need to take out some of my office stuff and we need a dresser.  This weekend’s project is making sure our stroller is still good so I can figure out a car seat situation.

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