Our Honeymoon | Paris, Barcelona and the Amalfi Coast

Hello all! I’m finally sharing pics from our honeymoon! It’s been so hard to narrow down and sort through the thousands of photos that I came home with but, after two weeks, I think I’ve at least got Paris done 🙂 Enjoy!

On the first leg of our European honeymoon, we stayed in the Paris neighborhood of Marais in a stylish little Airbnb apartment. We wanted a place that was on the outskirts a bit from all the tourists but that still provided easy access to everything we wanted to do and see while in Paris, and this spot definitely did not disappoint! The Marais, once the city’s Jewish quarter, was filled with small, crooked roads filled with hip boutiques, cafes, and bars- the perfect spot to wander and get lost. It truly felt like a place where locals lived, which was a nice way to experience the city! Our absolute favorite restaurant, Biglove Caffe, (which we may or may not have gone to almost every night we were in Paris..) was just around the corner from our Airbnb and served the most delicious gluten free pizza I have ever tasted. Even Dan said it was the best pizza he’s ever had!

We spent three days exploring the city, recovering from the jetlag and attempting to learn a little French : ) I’m not sure what I was expecting, but Paris absolutely blew me away! I LOVED this city far more than I thought I would and already can’t wait to go back for a longer trip!

After three days in Paris, we headed to Barcelona! We stayed three nights at the Mercer Hotel, which my parents stayed at last year and came highly recommended from them. It was nice to really treat ourselves here and we were taken such good care of! My favorite part was easily the roof deck and we spent a lot of our three days in Barcelona here! We lucked out with such perfect weather and definitely soaked it all in! We did eventually leave the roof deck to explore the Gothic Quarter, Las Rambas, Park Güell, and La Familia Sagrada 🙂 With only such a short time frame here, I feel like we only scratched the surface of the city but it was fun to get a taste of the culture, dust off our Spanish and enjoy the sun!

After Barcelona and Paris, we headed to Positano, Italy on the Amalfi Coast! This was the “peak” of our trip. After a lot of travel and adventure in Paris and Barcelona, we spent a full week of relaxation and indulging here. Dan had never been to Italy despite being Italian and has family from Naples so I think it’s safe to say we were most excited about this leg of the trip! We stayed at the ‘panoramic suite’ at the Villa Magia, a true treat! They took such good care of us, we really felt like we were honeymooning here 🙂

Some highlights of the week were: hiking the Path of the Gods from Bromello back into Positano, taking a private boat over to Capri for the day, and eating alllllll the pizza and pasta and delicious food. Our favorite restaurants over the week were: Al Palazzo, Le Tre Sorelle, Chez Black and Casa e Bottega. Truly though, I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves. Positano was heaven!

During our week in Positano, we did a day trip to Capri via a private boat with Plaghia Charter. It was only a day but I took so many photos that it deserves it’s own post! Capri was beautiful and I’m so glad we had the chance to explore the island, even if it was for such a short period of time! We took the boat around the island seeing the Blue Grotto and other caves, had pizza in the harbor and (my personal favorite) took the chairlift up to the top of Mount Solaro in Anacapri.


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June 6, 2019



  1. I am glad that you loved Paris! As you know, I am obsessed with that city and have been there multiple times. I would love to spend a couple of months there when we are retired – way in the future! There’s so much to love about the city. There is so much history in that city and so much to do and see. But my favorite thing to do is just walk around and take in the beauty. Every block seems beautiful. And I love that there is a slower pace of life. Most places didn’t have to go cups for coffee when I visited (this may have changed with time as I see Dan holding a coffee cup!). Instead people sat down and drank their coffee out of a pretty cup and enjoyed it. Paris has totally captured my heart and I can’t wait to show the city to Phil some day!

    • Caroline says:

      I kept thinking of you on the trip! I completely understand now why so many go back to Paris time and time again! I also love the slower pace, I loved how so many people were sitting enjoying their coffee & company at every corner. Dan got that cup at a random bar (haha!) on our walk to Notre Dame so I’m not sure if to go cups are a thing or not in Paris! lol

  2. Amber says:

    Such gorgeous photos! We really loved Paris as well and always talk about going back one day. We really want to go back in December during the holiday season and maybe even over Christmas. One day! So glad you loved it so much and had such a great honeymoon! 

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